Monday, November 8, 2010

3D Effects of Flash CS4 and Papervision Tutorials

The 3D feature in Flash was always a dream from Flash users, this dream is the motivator for the community to think in making this dream comes true. While Adobe is starting to add 3D features in both Flash and Photoshop. The community out there is developing open-source technologies to attain the dream of having 3D content in Flash format.

This will accomplish small size files for web, more suppleness when working with 3D Flash content and adding the interactivity where the user can control or interrelate with the 3D content.

Papervision 3D Programming Tutorial - Quadtree Renderer

A ordinary problem with a software 3D rendering is deciding the order in which triangles are drawn. Why is this important? It's significant because those triangles farthest from the camera need to be haggard first, so those closer to the camera can draw over the top of them.


Papervision 3D Programming Tutorial – Mesh Splitting

New to Papervision 2.0 is the aptitude to slice a mesh into two parts. If you have every watched the movie  Cube then you'll have an idea what I am talking about :) . Gravely though, this does have some neat uses. In fact the first time I became aware of this functionality was because of a Papervision demo that allowable you to smash up a pane of glass and then have it shatter and fall to the ground. Unluckily I can't find the demo again (I'll link to it here if I ever do find it), but it did interest my interest.


Papervision 3D Programming Tutorial – Mouse Selection

In the Photo Slide application I showed you how to add interactivity to a Papervision 3D application. Two classes were created to allow objects to react to mouse click proceedings: PickableObjectManager and PickableObject. PickableObjectManager was accountable for feeding the mouse coordinates into the Papervision View port hitTestPoint2D function, and then formative if any PickableObject had certainly been clicked on. The PickableObject class in turn simply conventional these events and depiction suitable functions to extending classes.


Papervision 3D Programming Tutorial – Texture Smoothing

Texture smoothing is something that PC gamers have come to expect ever since the very first Voodoo 3D cards came out on the market way back when. Even today the most basic of incorporated graphics chipsets will display smoothed textures. Unluckily before Flash Player 10 there was no hardware depiction available to Flash programs, and as a result 3D engines lie Papervision typically default back to rendering textures in the same old school blocky format that now days is associated with software renderers.


Papervision Programming Tutorial – Animations

When I was looking for documentation about displaying animations in Papervision the general agreement was to use the DAE class and load up an animated Collada mesh. That seemed easy enough, until I wanted to find a polite Collada animation to use as a expression. Having artistic skills that resemble the end result of 3 year old who wedged a crayon up his nose and then sneezed on a piece of paper I was dependent on grabbing a liberally available animation off the web. Not an easy task with a Collada file.


Papervision Programming Tutorial – SkyBox

n 3D games you fairly often need to fill the sky with the far-away view of the outside world, be it the sky, a city backdrop, a star field or a mountain range. The player in the 3D world is never predictable to actually reach what is depicted in this view, but without it the player would never get a sense that they are moving inside a world bigger than the rooms or tunnels that make up an actual 3D level.


Papervision 3D Programming Tutorial – Environment Mapping

Papervision application that displayed 3D text, which could then be rotated and interacted with as you would any other Papervision object. I mentioned that some of the stimulation for that app came from the Windows “3D Text” screensaver. There was one big dissimilarity though: the screensaver displays glossy, reflective letters, whereas my app only had a solid color.


Papervision programming tutorial - 3D Text

A good logo can be eye catching, and the dissimilarity between your product attracting a customer, or being unnoticed. And an animated logo certainly does catch the eye. This tutorial shows you how to create a moving 3D text logo with Papervision


Papervision 3D Programming Tutorial – BitmapViewport

In previous demos I have shown how you can add some of the normal Flash effects to individual Papervision 3D objects, allowing you to blur, modify colors and add a glow to a 3D object. In addition to adding effects to objects, you can also add effects to the whole view port thanks to the BitmapViewport3D class. The BitmapViewport3D has a bitmap Data Property, which you can then apply a filter to with the applyFilter function. You simply supply the same standard Flash effects classes, like Blur, to the applyFilter function after rendering the scene.


1 comment:

  1. it ia a very useful tutorial!! I got to learn some interesting effects in flash!!
