Monday, May 30, 2011

Making of Toothbrush in 3D Max

This tutorial is described assuming the reader having basic knowledge on 3d max. Also all dimensions of the object will not be given in the tutorial. The dimensions which are given are in accordance with my reference model. You may use the same value, take values from a reference object or any value you like. Today you will learn that how to make toothbrush in 3d max.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tic-Tac-Toe Game Using Simple jQuery

This is a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game I created using very simple jQuery commands. In this tutorial, I'll show you step by step how to easily design the board using some CSS, and then get the game and functions set up using some easy to understand jQuery commands. Within a couple minutes of reading this tutorial, you'll soon be playing against people in your own tic-tac-toe game that you yourself created.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Useful and Practical CSS Tips and Tricks for Web Designers and Developers

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is most important part of web designing and development now a day's. There are many tutorials and online css course for learning. People find online html css training and css website templates to improve their skills. In this article css lovers will find css trainings and css tutorials which will be helpful for make great web layouts, how to learn web design, css hovers, css menus, css-moz, css browser compatibility and main feature that how to convert psd to css. So keep enjoying with this article and must give your comments.

CSS-Based Tables: Techniques


Using CSS to Style Radiobuttons and Checkboxes in Safari and Chrome


Image Floats without the Text Wrap


Dynamic Piechart with CSS


Creating rounded corners (the “Deviant art's” way)


How To Create an IE-Only Stylesheet


Figures & captions


Create a Beautiful Looking Custom Dialog Box With jQuery and CSS3


Get a Consistent Base Font Size


Avoid CSS hacks, use future proof method


Nifty Corners: rounded corners without images


CSS Sprites


The CSS Overflow Property


Poll Results: Hyphens, Underscores, or camelCase?


A pinned-down menu


The CSS Box Model


Alternative style sheets


CSS Ratings Selector


A confetti menu


Rational Z-Index Values


CSS Tabs


CSS For Bar Graphs


Even/odd: coloring every other row


Adam's Radio & Checkbox Customisation Method


The ':target' pseudo-class


5 Techniques to Style Buttons using Images and CSS


CSS Image Replacement for Buttons


CSS Unordered List Calender


Drop shadows (using css)


CSS-Based Forms: Techniques


Rounded corners and shadowed boxes


Friday, May 20, 2011

22 Professional Video Tutorials of Adobe InDesign

Adobe InDesign using for designing in different countries frequently. Today we are sharing with you Adobe Indesign online training video tutorials. In these online indesign training you will find different ways of designing and learning through interactive videos. You will learn from these videos interactive flash content, camera raw and more basic and professional techniques. For those who want to learn from beginner level these indesign courses will helpful for them. Enjoy with these indesign trainings online and must leave your comments.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

jQuery Simple UI Slider Tutorial

In this tutorial I'm going to teach you how to construct a simple UI slider using jQuery. It's very effective and can be used for almost anything. You can slide through text, pictures, videos, etc. So let's get started!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to Make Teapot in 3D Max

Displacement is a greatly ignored method in 3d modeling. Most of beginners to the extensive world of 3D graphics try to model extremely detail geometry, either with standard poly-modeling methods. Usually, in a sculpting software package, first of all every artist have required model the object, and then manually sculpt enough detail into the object to make it believable. This technique can become extremely tedious, with numerous amounts of effort required just to make it believable.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Collection of 30 Extraordinary Adobe Illustrator Tutorials

Adobe Illustrator is tool which us using for making illustrative designs, advertising campaigns, corporate identity (logo) and make many more vector based graphics. Today we collect a professional listing of Adobe Illustrator tutorials for you. These tutorials having quality graphics and also greate sources of to improve your skills.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Introduction to jQuery

Hey everyone! In this tutorial I'll be teaching you how to include the jQuery library in your HTML file, and I'll also teach you some of the basic syntax and cool effects of jQuery. Let's get started.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

25 Impressive Corel Draw Tutorials and Tips

This post of 25 Impressive Corel Draw Tips and Tutorials will teach you new tips and illustration tricks. In this article a variety of topics we are listing trainings from around the web. Hopefully these tutorials will be very effective on corel draw learners.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

PHP Encryptions Tutorial

In this tutorial I'm going to teach you how to use some of the different PHP Encryptions available to us. There are quite a few ways to encrypt or change data using PHP so that the data can be inaccessible or very hard to decipher. I'll be showing you how to set up a very simple encryption process through a form so that you'll understand how PHP encryptions work.

The first step is to set up a form that will allow the user to enter some data. So create a new HTML file and within the body we'll enter:

<form action="query.php" method="post">                   

Enter a string: <input type="text" name="addc" />

<input type="submit" value="enter" />



The <form> creates an action towards "query.php"; this is where we'll be handling our PHP encryptions. It also uses the method POST, because the information sent to a PHP file using this method becomes invisible through the process so  other users can not see the data. Then we write what we'll want the user to see, so we write "Enter a string:" followed by an <input type> of text with a name of "addc". The "addc" name is important to remember because this is what we'll be using in our PHP file later to access what the user entered.
Then we close everything off with an <input type> of submit, which basically creates an enter button for the user to click and send their information to the PHP file.

So now that the HTML form is complete, we'll move on to the PHP file that will contain the encryption process for the data.

First create a new PHP file and name is "query.php" PHP scripts are always written between <?php and ?> The first  thing we'll have to do is access what the user entered, and we'll do this by writing:

$str = strip_tags($_POST["addc"]);

In PHP, variables are written using a dollar sign and a word, so in this case we'll use $str as our variable. _POST["addc"] is how we access what the user entered in the form. Before when we created our form we had used the method POST, and this allows us to get any information from the form, so in this case we want what the user actually entered into the text box. We gave the text box a name of "addc", so $_POST["addc"] gets whatever is entered in the textbox from the form in the HTML file. Then we enclose this within strip_tags() to strip any HTML or PHP tags the user may have entered. This is usually safe practice for safety and protection from people trying to access hidden information in your forms. Now let's get on to the different encryptions.

After the user hits submit, and they're taken to the "query.php" file, we'll still want them to see what they had entered in their form. So after we declare the variable above, the next thing we'll write is: (P.S. anything between /* */ is just a comment, so you could keep it in your PHP file if you want as commentary to help you better understand)

echo "You entered: " . $str; /* echo is how we output strings in PHP. The "." is a concatenation operator and it's used to put two string values together. */

echo "md5 Hash Form: " . md5($str); /* md5() is how we change our data into an md5 hash. We declared what the user entered by the variable $str, so all we do is write
md5($str) */

echo "SHA1 Algorithm: " . sha1($str); /* This encryption is used the same way as md5(), you just write sha1($str) and it will create a SHA1 hash of the string */

echo "String Shuffle Function: " . str_shuffle($str); /* str_shuffle() just shuffles around the data so it looks completely random */

echo "uuEncode Algorithm: " . convert_uuencode($str); /* this converts the string using the uuEncode Algorithm */

echo "ROT13 Encyrption: " . str_rot13($str); /* converts the data using a ROT13 function */

echo "How Many Words Counted: " . str_word_count($str); /* this function simply just tells the user how many words were entered in the text box in the form */

Then when all of the different encryption functions are written out, write this piece of code between each of them to give some spacing.  echo "<br /> <br />"; 

Some explanations on each of the encryptions:

The MD5 encryption is a widely used cryptographic hash function with a 128-bit hash value. MD5 is also very useful at checking the integrity of files. A few years after the creation of MD5, it was found to be less suitable for several applications and security measures. In recent years, many flaws were found with MD5 dealing with SSL certificates and
checksums of files.

The SHA1 encryption (Secure Hash Algorithm) is a cryptographic hash function designed by the National Security Agency. SHA1 is widely used and employed in several security
applications and protocols.

The uuEncode Algorithm works by converting all the data into a text file with only printable characters. uuEncode was very useful in the earlier days because it addressed the problem of sending binary data file through email.

The ROT13 encryption works by shifting every letter 13 places in the alphabet. It's a very simple encryption method that only works on letters, numeric and non-alphabetical characters will remain as they are entered.

You can check out an example of PHP encryptions here!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

How to Apply Conditional Styling for Internet Explorer

Today in this tutorial we are going to teach you that how to apply conditional styling in Internet Explorer and what are some reasons to use them. First off conditional stylesheets can target certain versions of IE or hide certain things from it. It's a good way to work around the differences Internet Explorer uses in its browser. All this code goes somewhere within the <head></head> tags in your HTML f