Saturday, May 29, 2010

How to Make Transparent Background of SWF in Webpage

When you insert SWF file in your webpage it always show given background color and if you want transparent background color and want to use your webpage bg color then you have to need make transparent background of swf file. This is the very simple way but for this you will have to use only stage background color in flash not any rectangle on stage because this method only transparent stage bg color.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Simple PHP Contact Form Tutorial

When you need that user contact with you or send feedback to you via email then you have to need make a contact form. In this tutorial you will learn that how to create form with php script.

Monday, May 10, 2010

40+ Outstanding CSS3 Tutorials for Web Development

CSS3 have many exciting features which are most compatible for cross browser usability as we using famous internet browsers: Internet Explorer 7 & 8, Firefox, Safari and chrome, they all very supporting of new CSS3 properties.

In this article we are highlighting some latest tips and techniques which were not supporting before in older versions. But in this version of CSS you can use all of these techniques in your web design: text-shadow, rounded box, box sizing, opacity handlers, multiple backgrounds, border images and also supporting for multi column web layouts. These are really useful tutorials with many exciting features.